Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I'm tired for going class yesterday!! But, I still went 2 watch the New Tune Live Performance 11 with my friends to show our great support to VHann, my super "GENG" housemate, guitarist, drummer, director for this show...proud for what he has done in this few year^-^That's why we keep shouted out : "V Hann, We Love You!!" are our star on stage 2day!!!

I know he almost spent all the time in New Tune UKM, especially this show. But, i think he's unhappy and not so enjoy enough. When you see what has he done and sacrifice for this will know why he looks tired in this few weeks. In contrast, he's got so much energy..he never seems to tire or soooo unhappy on last two times show!! I still remember that he never tires of telling us about the funny stories happen in preparation period.
I think he's more enjoy at last two year because he had a group of nice friends in new tune for sharing his job and tiredness.

Anyway, show is over!! Finally..he can take some rest!!

For the ntlp11 show, my comment is...
The song is quite nice to listen...but looks like too many romantic songs("/) Well, maybe some people will said it's boring and not perfect, but that's perfect enough for me. I like some romantic songs, especially "Someone"...The lyric in this song is definitely great, such as..

"If this thing that we're seeking ~is a dream that will come true~I know I've found my loves on you"

"Thru the joy and the pain~No regret no refrains~This is all that we had"

Waooo..romanticccc ya("/)

The dancing performance is terrible(maybe only i think like that)...because i know that they want to include various type of dance element into one song...but they can't make it. As a result...audiences don't know what they want to present actually!! Sorry about that...I just saying out what I feel...but I still think that you all can done better than that...waiting for the dancing performance next year("/)

For the song "Think", which is created by two of my good friends...Mr.Kang Wei Jian and Mr.Chee Kok Hou. Only one word >>>>> GREAT!! I can hear that CB Kok Hou still put his own style in this song!! I really love it...please send the demo for me..I want keep it..hehe!!

For the singer...everyone is attracted by one female singer...Li Jia Wei!!!!!!!Wahhhh...powerful and rich melodic voice!!!Well done!!Another male singer...Pau choir teamate...of course is great on stage!! He's lucky...because he can sing together with two other's beautiful singer!! Envy you ya..hehe^-^

Really happy to see all my friends perform on stage...V Hann, Pau Seen, Yun Xin, Kellyn!!! U all perform very well on the stage...I will always support you all...gambatehX1000000^-^